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EU to provide Lebanon with a financial aid package worth 1 billion euros.
14 May

Ever since August 2019, Lebanon has been facing socio-economical instability whith the depreciation of its currency and political turmoil. Therefore, it is not surprising that Lebanon fragility becomes even more prevelant owing to the regional instability following the Israel-Hamas war. Indeed, the country has been the home from migrant fleeing the conflicts in the region. In fact, at the moment, the country is hosting  more than 210 000 Palestinien refugees but also 1.5  millions Syrian refugees ever since the civil war in 2013. In turn, some of these migrants are taking the path towards Europe through several routes among which Cyprus, which is currently witnessing an overwhelming flux. Not earlier than beginning of April, Cyprus has called for the helps of Europe and declared a migration crisis. 


Following a visit in Beirut, together with the president of Cyprus, Christodoulides, the European Commission president, Ursula Vonder Leyen pledged to a financial envelope of 1 billion to Lebanon over three years, until 2027. This announcement comes as no surprise since already in April, the leaders of Europe have expressed their intent to strenghten links with Lebanon and provide the necessary help to support the country. 



The financial support to Lebaninc include :


  • Provision of basic services such as social proteciton, health, education or water
  • Assistance to urgent domestic reforms to the banking sector


In addition, a quarter of this financial aid will be dedicated to 


  • Border and migration management 
  • Support to the Lebanese armes forces


This financial support enshrined itself within a serie of financial aid towards many countries in the African and Middle East region. Indeed, in the same vein, Europe promised financial assistance to Tunisia and Egypt. The modus operandis remains similar if not to say identical. Europe is promising financial help as long as the country makes socio-economic reforms but manages borders and migration. 


?Those financial pakcage offers a promising avenue for actors in the region? It is expected there will boe similar financial supports in the region which will be closely monitored.

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